Lake Region State College is following the most recent information regarding the COVID-19 global pandemic. As the information presents itself we are faced with making changes in how we deliver education and provide other community services.
Earlier this week, Governor Burgum issued an executive order essentially closing in house dining in any food service establishment. As such, LRSC Dining Services will transition to take out only and the Dining Room and Student Union will be closed to food consumption.
He also issued an executive order declaring all state buildings closed to the public. While not specific to colleges and universities, we face the same challenges in trying to protect those that live, learn, and work here. All exterior doors will be locked and require key card access. College Care for Kids families will be allowed access only via one doorway.
We previously notified everyone that we were transitioning all face to face academic and lecture based courses to online and had hoped to be able to accelerate lab learning for several of our career and technical education programs. We have now transitioned to alternative delivery for the vast majority of students. These students have been notified of the changes.
We are also following the Governor’s recommendation that employees practice social distancing, limit public interactions and gatherings, and telecommute when possible. For the past week, each department and work unit has been creating staffing plans that will allow us to accomplish the important work that must be done, serve our students and faculty, and maximize the health and safety of everyone. We are using email, instant messaging, telephones, and technology to communicate with each other, maximizing social distancing by not entering another’s workspace. Although not all personnel will be physically present during the work day, all services are still available. Please contact the LRSC switchboard, (800) 443-1313, (701) 662-1600, should you need any information or assistance.
We still have a lot of work to do and consider our staffing plan to be in a constant state of change. Administration will be meeting daily to evaluate, monitor, and adjust operations as needed.
Updates related to COVID-19 will be listed in the news section on our website homepage or
Earlier this week, Governor Burgum issued an executive order essentially closing in house dining in any food service establishment. As such, LRSC Dining Services will transition to take out only and the Dining Room and Student Union will be closed to food consumption.
He also issued an executive order declaring all state buildings closed to the public. While not specific to colleges and universities, we face the same challenges in trying to protect those that live, learn, and work here. All exterior doors will be locked and require key card access. College Care for Kids families will be allowed access only via one doorway.
We previously notified everyone that we were transitioning all face to face academic and lecture based courses to online and had hoped to be able to accelerate lab learning for several of our career and technical education programs. We have now transitioned to alternative delivery for the vast majority of students. These students have been notified of the changes.
We are also following the Governor’s recommendation that employees practice social distancing, limit public interactions and gatherings, and telecommute when possible. For the past week, each department and work unit has been creating staffing plans that will allow us to accomplish the important work that must be done, serve our students and faculty, and maximize the health and safety of everyone. We are using email, instant messaging, telephones, and technology to communicate with each other, maximizing social distancing by not entering another’s workspace. Although not all personnel will be physically present during the work day, all services are still available. Please contact the LRSC switchboard, (800) 443-1313, (701) 662-1600, should you need any information or assistance.
We still have a lot of work to do and consider our staffing plan to be in a constant state of change. Administration will be meeting daily to evaluate, monitor, and adjust operations as needed.
Updates related to COVID-19 will be listed in the news section on our website homepage or