Laura passed away at the Boyne Lodge, Carman, on Wednesday, February 14. She is survived by her husband, Neil, two sons and their families, and one sister.
Laura was born in Southern Saskatchewan and was the youngest daughter in a family of nine children. She went to school and graduated in Main Centre, SK. Laura became a Christian at the age of nine and was baptized in the South Saskatchewan River when she was 14. After attending Hepburn Bible Institute for one year and working for one year she moved to Winnipeg and attended Teacher’s College. During this year she also took speech therapy to overcome a stuttering problem. She then taught in Winnipeg until 1965. In 1964 she married Neil Funk and the following year they began their pastoral ministry, serving churches in Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Manitoba. Laura used her gifts in children’s ministry and music. She was a gracious hostess and many people enjoyed her generous hospitality. In 1967 their son David was born and in 1971 their son Stanley joined the family through adoption.
In 1974 she left a new house in Prince George, BC and moved to an abandoned farm at Elm Creek where they lived for over 30 years. She always made beautiful flower arrangements and at one time had a prize-winning garden. With advancing age, they moved to a condo in Carman where Laura continued to volunteer at the MCC Shop and lead a singing group for the hospital and the Lodge.
In 2018 she suffered a fall and broke her hip. Although this healed nicely, other health issues soon began to appear so that she needed more help than could be provided for her at home. At the start of the Covid lockdown in March of 2020 she was admitted to Boyne Lodge as a permanent resident. After the removal of restrictions, she was able to come home for visits on occasion. However, she suffered a stroke in August of 2023 and since then she was severely restricted in her mobility and strength. We are grateful for the excellent care which she received and the spacious surroundings in the new Lodge. On February 4 she suffered numerous seizures which resulted in her being unresponsive and ultimately led to her peaceful death. We release her with grateful hearts that her suffering was not prolonged.
Funeral service will be held on Friday, February 23, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. at Friends Community Church, Carman.