Total approximate number of completed tests: 51,548
Testing data table
Minnesota Case OverviewTotal positive: 2,942
Positive case data table
No longer needing isolation data table
Deaths data table
HospitalizationTotal cases requiring hospitalization: 712
Hospitalization data table
Case DemographicsAge
Age group data table
More age data: Age median and range (all cases, non-hospitalized, hospitalized and deaths)
Race and ethnicity data table:
Including race and ethnicity of deaths
Cases can have more than one race.
Likely Exposure
Likely exposure data table
Cases by County of ResidenceCounty of residence is confirmed during the case interview. At the time of this posting not all interviews have been completed. The county residence data may not equal the total number of reported positive cases.
County of residence data table:
Including county of residence of deaths
More about location data
How to use the interactive map
Residence Type
- Total approximate number of completed tests from the MDH Public Health Lab: 10,738
- Total approximate number of completed tests from external laboratories: 40,810
Testing data table
Minnesota Case OverviewTotal positive: 2,942
Positive case data table
- Patients no longer needing isolation: 1,536
No longer needing isolation data table
- Deaths:200
Deaths data table
HospitalizationTotal cases requiring hospitalization: 712
- Hospitalized as of today: 268
- Hospitalized in ICU as of today: 104
Hospitalization data table
Case DemographicsAge
Age group data table
More age data: Age median and range (all cases, non-hospitalized, hospitalized and deaths)
- 51% female, 49% male, 0% other, <1% unknown/missing
Race and ethnicity data table:
Including race and ethnicity of deaths
Cases can have more than one race.
Likely Exposure
Likely exposure data table
Cases by County of ResidenceCounty of residence is confirmed during the case interview. At the time of this posting not all interviews have been completed. The county residence data may not equal the total number of reported positive cases.
County of residence data table:
Including county of residence of deaths
More about location data
How to use the interactive map
Residence Type