Arie took great pride in whatever work he put his hands to. In early married life, that work was raising hogs and he aimed to have clean floors, and washing sows was common. Along with this Arie spent much time in Winnipeg working in graphic design, marketing, and branding. His attention to detail, fussiness, and artistic flare always left him trying to improve and get the best out of those around him. In his later years, Arie spent more time at home in his garden with his dogs trying to be a "brushstroke on the Lord's canvas of earth." In addition to this, Arie was a very obedient employee of the manager of Evensong.
Times were not always easy and Arie and his family faced many challenges. He always used these times as a calling from the Lord to 'lift his eyes unto the hills'. Serving his creator was his highest priority and having his hands folded was his necessity.
In everyday life, Arie was an active member within the church, school, and local community. Many of us will miss the introduction of a 'two tap on the shoulder, quick wave, and "hey, can I tell you something?" While he was better known for talking, it was his listening ability where he made the biggest impacts.
The gifts of his kind smile and sense of humour were often used to welcome conversation, regardless if you were a close friend, or a complete stranger who he might've thought was someone else at first.
Arie is survived by his wife Alice Veenendaal and his children; son Eric and Natasha Veenendaal, their children Zachary, Bryan, Cara, Scott, Lily, and Brodie; daughter Michelle and Shane Van Veen, their children Erin, Chelsea, Gavin, and Jillian; son Justin and Annette, their children Damon, Micah, Savannah, and Jonas; daughter Shannon and John Vanderlinde, their children Jordan, Tyrell, Seth, Jade, and Asher; and son Devin Veenendaal.
He is predeceased by his father and mother, four siblings, and his daughter Denise Veenendaal.