Mass of Christian Burial will be on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church with the Very Reverend C.F. Wilhelm celebrating the Mass. Irene will be laid to rest in St. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery. The Funeral Mass will be live-streamed at Facebook.com/stjosephdvl.
Visitation will be at the Gilbertson Funeral Home, Devils Lake on Monday, January 11th from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. with a Rosary and Scripture Service at 7:00 p.m. led by Deacon Ken Severinson.
Masks and social distancing are required and please consider your health and safety and that of others in attending services.
Irene Schaan, daughter of Mathias and Barbara (Keifel) Schaan was born on March 17, 1928 in Pierce County, ND. She grew up in the Rugby area, attended a boarding school in Richardton ND, later a country school in Pierce County and graduated as Salutatorian of the Balta High School class of 1945.
She was set to marry her beloved Anthony Schneider, but put the wedding off for a year so she could help her parents out the best she could when her father became quite ill and was unable to work. On November 17, 1947, Irene and Anthony spoke their vows to each other and began their married life.
They lived for a short time in rural Esmond ND, then spent several years on the Schaan homestead before purchasing their own farm at rural Crary ND in 1955. They called it home until 1975 when they moved to Devils Lake. Anthony passed away on April 10, 2012.
Irene lived a life as a devoted and selfless wife and mother. She was a caring Mom for her 10 children, hired hand on the farm, cook, housekeeper, a great teacher of faith and had unconditional love. Farm life meant milking cows, tending all the farm animals, doing whatever needed to be done, and yet, the table was never without homemade bread. There always was food at the table for 1 more. Nobody ever left the house hungry. “Did you eat?” were her first words when you entered her home. Whenever the opportunity was there, Irene was always ready to visit and play cards with family. In later years she enjoyed sewing, crafts and usually had a jigsaw puzzle going in the corner of the living room.
Irene was a baptized and confirmed member of the Catholic faith and was an active member of St. Benedict’s Church and Altar Society and after moving to Devils Lake was a member of St. Joseph Church, Altar Society and Catholic Daughters.
Irene’s life and love have been such a blessing to her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and precious other family and dear friends. “Go in peace, God be with you.”
Irene’s loving family include her children and their spouses, Clemens and Linda Schneider, Hickory NC, Catherine and William Cox, Bainbridge GA, Robert and Vickie Schneider, Crary ND, Richard and Pam Schneider, Prosper ND, Ronald and Shelley Schneider, Devils Lake, Bonita and Bill Burdick also of Devils Lake and Shirley and Joe Tavis, Hazen ND; daughter-in-law Cindy Schneider, Devils Lake; 23 grandchildren; 43 great grandchildren; many nieces, nephews and their families.
She was preceded in death by her parents, husband Anthony, daughter Barbara LaBarre, sons Gerald and Patrick Schneider, granddaughter Alicia Burdick Uriell, sister Helen Heilman, brother Thomas Schaan and 20 half brothers and half sisters.