Judy was born on September 2, 1956 in Cavalier, ND. She grew up on the family farm and attended Cavalier Public School, graduating in 1974.
Judy’s passion for music led to a double major in Vocal and Instrumental Music from Mayville State College. Judy lived in Minnewauken, ND for 11 years and taught K-12 Music. She moved to Granger, IA in 1990 where she was the K-12 Vocal Music teacher at Madrid Public School until retiring in 2014. An annual highlight for the community was the Minnewauken and Madrid School K-12 Combined Christmas Concert well prepared and performed before a much appreciative audience in a packed gymnasium!
Judy’s love for music led to singing at well over 300 weddings and funerals. In 7th grade, she sang at her first wedding. She was an accomplished musician playing at least 10 musical instruments. Judy loved her students, tutored them intensely and was blessed to see them advance their God-given talents in many ways. One year during Judy’s tenure, Madrid had 17 entries in the Iowa State Music Contest and received 17 Superior ratings, truly exceptional by any standard at any school.
Judy was a member of the Granger Emmanuel United Methodist Church. She supported the Madrid Performing Arts Council, the American Choral Director Association and the Music Teachers Association.
Judy enjoyed baking delicious morsels to give away. She was a wonderful hostess as she prepared amazing appetizers and goodies for Super Bowl and Christmas parties. She loved to play her piano and sing. She also played the piano at church.
Judy is preceded in death by her parents, Emery Hartz and Lois (Peterson) Hartz, Cavalier, N. Dak.
Judy is survived by her life-partner Geoff Whitlow, Granger, IA; sisters, Diana (Mike) O’Shaughnessy, Grand Forks, ND; Carol (Jim) Groven, Grand Forks, ND; brothers, Gary (Janet) Hartz, Poolesville, MD; Dale (Kay) Hartz, Maple Valley, WA; and David (Robin) Hartz, Cavalier, ND as well as 13 nieces and nephews and 22 grand nieces and nephews. Her family and friends will miss her beyond what words can express.
Services in North Dakota and Iowa will be delayed until further notice...
Memorials, in lieu of flowers can be sent to the Cavalier Trinity United Methodist Church or the Granger Emmanuel Methodist Church.